The call of the Basket Range and a shared love of chilled “martinny’s” and “can-hattens” was what brought the three women behind this label together in 2020. And a very potent trio it has made.
Parley ~ (PAR-LAY) ~ is a melding of the minds between Sarah Feehan, Mel Gray and Jocelyn (Joss) Mihalynuk, each with extensive experience in the industry. Joss has worked with Adelaide Hills lo-fi legends Gentle Folk & Commune of Buttons; Mel studying Viticulture and Oenology while also working at Commune of Buttons and Son of Dot Drinks; and Sarah has 20 years of experience in hospitality and completing vintages both in South Australia and Burgundy.
Their wines follow very much in the mould of a modern 'natural-ish' Adelaide Hills producer, in lockstep with the likes of COB or Gentle Folk or any other clean but minimal intervention producer in the region. The whites are deliciously textured and moreish, the reds vibrant and juicy, all with a little more complexity and seriousness than meets the eye.
This is a lovely new addition to the colourful tapestry of the Basket Range and the surrounds.
Check out the full range of Parley Wines from the ladies right here.
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